Download And Install iofogctl

Install iofogctl on Mac

Mac users can use Homebrew:

brew tap eclipse-iofog/iofogctl
brew install iofogctl@2.0

Install iofogctl on Windows

The Windows binary can be downloaded from

Prepare Windows

In order to use iofogctl to deploy an ECN locally on Windows we will need to configure Docker to run Linux containers:

Install iofogctl on Linux

The Debian package can be installed like so:

curl | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install iofogctl=2.0.4

And similarly, the RPM package can be installed like so:

curl | sudo bash
sudo yum install iofogctl-2.0.4-1.x86_64

Verify iofogctl Installation

Run iofogctl version to verify you have successfully installed the CLI.