Getting Familiar With iofogctl

To list all available commands, just run iofogctl without any arguments. The available commands should look something like this:

$ iofogctl
     _       ____                 __  __
    (_)___  / __/___  ____  _____/ /_/ /
   / / __ \/ /_/ __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __/ /
  / / /_/ / __/ /_/ / /_/ / /__/ /_/ /
 /_/\____/_/  \____/\__, /\___/\__/_/

Welcome to the cool new iofogctl Cli!

Use `iofogctl version` to display the current version.

  iofogctl [flags]
  iofogctl [command]

Available Commands:
  attach        Attach an existing ioFog resource to an ECN
  configure     Configure iofogctl or SSH details an existing resource
  connect       Connect to an existing ioFog cluster
  create        Create a resource
  delete        Delete an existing ioFog resource
  deploy        Deploy ioFog platform or components on existing infrastructure
  describe      Get detailed information of existing resources
  detach        Detach an existing ioFog resource from its ECN
  disconnect    Disconnect from an ioFog cluster
  get           Get information of existing resources
  help          Help about any command
  legacy        Execute commands using legacy CLI
  logs          Get log contents of deployed resource
  move          Move an existing resources inside the current ECN
  prune         prune ioFog resources
  rename        Rename the iofog resources that are currently deployed
  start         Starts a resource
  stop          Stops a resource
  version       Get CLI application version
  view          Open ECN Viewer

      --detached           Use/Show detached resources
  -h, --help               help for iofogctl
      --http-verbose       Toggle for displaying verbose output of API client
  -n, --namespace string   Namespace to execute respective command within (default "default")
  -v, --verbose            Toggle for displaying verbose output of iofogctl

Use "iofogctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

You can also find all available commands, and a detailed documentation of their usage on our github repository.

You can use the --help flag on every command to learn more. Go ahead and try some of the following:

iofogctl deploy --help
iofogctl create --help
iofogctl connect --help
iofogctl get --help
iofogctl attach --help

Working with Namespaces

All actions performed with iofogctl are scoped to a single namespace. The default namespace ('default') is used if the user does not specify a namespace explicitly in the command. Note that namespaces in iofogctl map to a Kubernetes namespace when iofogctl is used to deploy an Edge Compute Network's ('ECN') Control Plane on Kubernetes.

Try creating, listing, and deleting namespaces now with the following commands.

iofogctl create namespace zoo-1
iofogctl get namespaces
iofogctl delete namespace zoo-1

Configuring your current namespace

It is possible to specify the namespace to use as current namespace by using the iofogctl configure command.

iofogctl configure current-namespace NAMESPACE

To revert to the default configuration, you can always run iofogctl configure current-namespace default.

View Edge Compute Network Details

Once we are connected to a live ECN, we can go ahead and do some introspection.

Try to display individual resources or all resources within a namespace with the get command:

iofogctl get controllers
iofogctl get agents
iofogctl get applications
iofogctl get microservices
iofogctl get all

To get more detailed information, we can use the describe command:

iofogctl describe controlplane
iofogctl describe controller alpaca-1
iofogctl describe agent kiwi-1
iofogctl describe application health-care-app
iofogctl describe microservice health-care-ui

Check the log output of components

Note: You will need ssh access to any remote resources to use this feature.

To check the log output of any resource, use logs e.g.

iofogctl logs controller NAME
iofogctl logs agent NAME
iofogctl logs microservice NAME

This will return either the log file from the machine, or the docker logs output of the running microservice.

Move microservices to another Agent

iofogctl move microservice NAME AGENT_NAME
iofogctl move microservice health-case-ui zebra-1

Prune Docker on an Agent

We can now manually prune the docker images on our Agents, if our Agent is running out of diskspace.

iofogctl prune agent AGENT_NAME

Detach / Attach an Agent

We can transfer an Agent from one ECN to another by detaching the agent and attaching it to another ECN. Note: detaching an agent will delete its connection with the Controller, and all microservices will be shut down.

iofogctl detach agent AGENT_NAME

Switch to another ECN / namespace

iofogctl attach agent AGENT_NAME

To display all resources in dettached state with the get command

iofogctl get all --detached

We can also move Agents between Namespaces with a single command. The following command will move agent-1 from namespace-1 to namespace-2:

iofogctl move agent agent-1 -n namespace-1 namespace-2