Legacy Controller CLI Usage

Please see iofogctl for current CLI usage: iofogctl

iofog-controller <command> <action> <options>


start Start iofog-controller service.
stop Stop iofog-controller service.
controller Display iofog-controller service information.
help Display usage information.
user User operations.
config Set/Display iofog-controller service config.
tunnel Tunnel operations.
iofog ioFog node operations.
catalog Microservices catalog operations.
flow Application flow operations.
microservice Microservice instance operations.
registry Registries instance operations.
diagnostics Diagnostic instance operations.


Start the iofog-controller daemon

iofog-controller start


Stop the iofog-controller daemon

iofog-controller stop


Display iofog-controller service information.

iofog-controller controller <action> <options>


status Display iofog-controller service status.
email-activation Is email activation.
fog-types List all Fog-types.
version Display iofog-controller service version.


Display the help document

iofog-controller help


User operations.

iofog-controller user <action> <options>


add Add a new user.
update Update existing user.
remove Delete a user.
list List all users.
generate-token Generate token for a user.
activate Activate a user.
suspend Suspend a user.


-f, --first-name string User's first name
-l, --last-name string User's last name
-e, --email string User's email address
-p, --password string User's password
iofog-controller user add \
  --first-name test1 \
  --last-name test2 \
  --email test@example.com \
  --password password1
-f, --first-name string User's first name
-l, --last-name string User's last name
-e, --email string User's email address
-p, --password string User's password
-e, --email string User's email address
-F, --force boolean User's force delete
-e, --email string User's email address
-e, --email string User's email address
-e, --email string User's email address


Set/Display iofog-controller service config.

iofog-controller config <options>


add Change current configuration.
list List current configuration.
dev-mode Enable/disable developer mode.
email-activation Enable/disable email activation.


-p, --port integer Port
-c, --ssl-cert string Path to SSL certificate file
-k, --ssl-key string Path to SSL key file
-i, --intermediate-cert string Path to SSL intermediate certificate file
-h, --home-url string Home page url for email activation links
-a, --email-address string Email address to send activations from
-w, --email-password string Email password to send activations from
-s, --email-service string Email service to send activations
-d, --log-dir string Path to log files directory
-z, --log-size integer Log files size (MB)
-o, --on Enable dev mode
-f, --off Disable dev mode
-o, --on Enable
-f, --off Disable

Config Locations

Config files are located in project src/config/<file>.json. When installed using iofogctl resolves to /opt/iofog/controller/lib/node_modules/iofogcontroller/src/config/. There are 3 config files:

default.json (general data that is used for default values)

  "App": {
    "Name": "iofog-controller"
  "Viewer": {
    "Port": 80
  "Kubelet": {
    "Uri": "http://localhost:1234"
  "Server": {
    "Port": 51121,
    "DevMode": false
  "Email": {
    "ActivationEnabled": false,
    "HomeUrl": "https://google.com"
  "Service": {
    "LogsDirectory": "/var/log/iofog-controller",
    "LogsFileSize": 10485760,
    "LogsFileCount": 10
  "Settings": {
    "DefaultJobIntervalSeconds": 120,
    "UserTokenExpirationIntervalSeconds": 3600,
    "FogTokenExpirationIntervalSeconds": 3600,
    "FogStatusUpdateIntervalSeconds": 120,
    "FogStatusFrequencySeconds": 60
  "Diagnostics": {
    "DiagnosticDir": "diagnostic"

development.json (data for dev environment)

  "App": {
    "Name": "iofog-controller-dev"
  "Viewer": {
    "Port": 80
  "Kubelet": {
    "Uri": "http://localhost:1234"
  "Server": {
    "Port": 51121,
    "DevMode": true
  "Email": {
    "ActivationEnabled": false,
    "HomeUrl": "https://google.com"
  "Service": {
    "LogsDirectory": "/var/log/iofog-controller",
    "LogsFileSize": 10485760,
    "LogsFileCount": 10
  "Settings": {
    "UserTokenExpirationIntervalSeconds": 360000,
    "FogTokenExpirationIntervalSeconds": 3600000,
    "FogStatusUpdateIntervalSeconds": 120,
    "FogStatusFrequencySeconds": 60
  "Tunnel": {
    "Username": "username",
    "Password": "password",
    "Host": "",
    "RsaKey": "rsa",
    "Lport": 22,
    "PortRange": "2000-10000"
  "Diagnostics": {
    "DiagnosticDir": "diagnostic"
  "Database": {
    "Provider": "sqlite",
    "Config": {
      "databaseName": "dev_database.sqlite",
      "logging": false,
      "transactionType": "IMMEDIATE",
      "pool": {
        "maxactive": 1,
        "max": 1,
        "min": 0,
        "idle": 20000

production.json (production data)

  "App": {
    "Name": "iofog-controller"
  "Viewer": {
    "Port": 80
  "Server": {
    "Port": 51121,
    "DevMode": true
  "Email": {
    "ActivationEnabled": false
  "Service": {
    "LogsDirectory": "/var/log/iofog-controller",
    "LogsFileSize": 10485760,
    "LogsFileCount": 10
  "Settings": {
    "UserTokenExpirationIntervalSeconds": 3600,
    "FogTokenExpirationIntervalSeconds": 3600,
    "FogStatusUpdateIntervalSeconds": 120,
    "FogStatusFrequencySeconds": 60
  "Database": {
    "Provider": "sqlite",
    "Config": {
      "databaseName": "prod_database.sqlite",
      "logging": false,
      "transactionType": "IMMEDIATE",
      "pool": {
        "maxactive": 1,
        "max": 1,
        "min": 0,
        "idle": 20000


Tunnel operations.

iofog-controller tunnel <action> <options>


update Update existing tunnel or create a new one.
list List all tunnels.


-a, --action string Type of action: can be 'open' or 'close'
-u, --username string Tunnel username
-p, --password string Tunnel password
-s, --host string Tunnel host address
-k, --rsa-key string Path to RSA key file
-o, --port integer Tunnel port
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
iofog-controller tunnel update \
  --action close \
  --username dmitry \
  --password dpass \
  --host \
  --rsa-key /home/dmitrys/documents/rsa.txt \
  --port 22 \
  --iofog-uuid NH44VjVFnr8946Yr8HPRrJdFZgLN8k7j


ioFog node operations.

iofog-controller iofog <action> <options>


add Add a new ioFog node.
update Update existing ioFog node.
remove Delete an ioFog node.
list List all ioFog nodes.
info Get ioFog node settings.
provisioning-key Get provisioning key for an ioFog node.
reboot Reboot ioFog node.
prune Prune ioFog node.
version Change agent version of ioFog node.
hal-hw Get HAL Hardware ioFog node data.
hal-usb Get HAL USB ioFog node data.


-u, --user-id integer User's id
-f, --file string Path to ioFog settings JSON file
-n, --name string ioFog node name
-l, --location string ioFog node location
-t, --latitude float ioFog node latitude
-g, --longitude float ioFog node longitude
-d, --description string ioFog node description
-D, --docker-url string ioFog node docker url
-M, --disk-limit float ioFog node disk usage limit (MB)
-T, --disk-directory string ioFog node disk directory
-m, --memory-limit float ioFog node memory usage limit (MB)
-c, --cpu-limit float ioFog node CPU usage limit (%)
-G, --log-limit float ioFog node log size limit (MB)
-Y, --log-directory string ioFog node log files directory
-C, --log-file-count integer ioFog node log files count
-s, --status-frequency integer ioFog node status check frequency (seconds)
-F, --change-frequency integer ioFog node configuration change check frequency (seconds)
-Q, --device-frequency integer ioFog node device scan frequency (seconds)
-B, --bluetooth-enable Enable bluetooth on ioFog node
-b, --bluetooth-disable Disable bluetooth on ioFog node
-W, --watchdog-enable Enable watchdog on ioFog node
-w, --watchdog-disable Disable watchdog on ioFog node
-a, --abs-hw-disable Disable hardware abstraction on ioFog node
-A, --abs-hw-enable Enable hardware abstraction on ioFog node
-o, --reboot Reboot ioFog node
-y, --fog-type integer ioFog node architecture type
-L, --log-level string ioFog node log level
-p, --docker-pruning-frequency integer ioFog node docker pruning frequency (hours)
-k, --disk-threshold integer ioFog node disk threshold (%)
-e, --prune Prune ioFog node
-u, --user-id integer User's id
-f, --file string Path to ioFog settings JSON file
-n, --name string ioFog node name
-l, --location string ioFog node location
-t, --latitude float ioFog node latitude
-g, --longitude float ioFog node longitude
-d, --description string ioFog node description
-D, --docker-url string ioFog node docker url
-M, --disk-limit float ioFog node disk usage limit (MB)
-T, --disk-directory string ioFog node disk directory
-m, --memory-limit float ioFog node memory usage limit (MB)
-c, --cpu-limit float ioFog node CPU usage limit (%)
-G, --log-limit float ioFog node log size limit (MB)
-Y, --log-directory string ioFog node log files directory
-C, --log-file-count integer ioFog node log files count
-s, --status-frequency integer ioFog node status check frequency (seconds)
-F, --change-frequency integer ioFog node configuration change check frequency (seconds)
-Q, --device-frequency integer ioFog node device scan frequency (seconds)
-B, --bluetooth-enable Enable bluetooth on ioFog node
-b, --bluetooth-disable Disable bluetooth on ioFog node
-W, --watchdog-enable Enable watchdog on ioFog node
-w, --watchdog-disable Disable watchdog on ioFog node
-a, --abs-hw-disable Disable hardware abstraction on ioFog node
-A, --abs-hw-enable Enable hardware abstraction on ioFog node
-o, --reboot Reboot ioFog node
-y, --fog-type integer ioFog node architecture type
-L, --log-level string ioFog node log level
-p, --docker-pruning-frequency integer ioFog node docker pruning frequency (hours)
-k, --disk-threshold integer ioFog node disk threshold (%)
-e, --prune Prune ioFog node
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-u, --user-id integer User's id
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-v, --version-command string ioFog version command <upgrade/rollback>
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-i, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID


Microservices catalog operations for your configured registries.

iofog-controller catalog <action> <options>


add Add a new catalog item.
update Update existing catalog item.
remove Delete a catalog item.
list List all catalog items.
info Get catalog item settings.


-u, --user-id integer User's id
-f, --file string Path to catalog item settings JSON file
-n, --name string Catalog item name
-d, --description string Catalog item description
-c, --category string Catalog item category
-x, --x86-image string x86 docker image name
-a, --arm-image string ARM docker image name
-p, --publisher string Catalog item publisher name
-s, --disk-required integer Amount of disk required to run the microservice (MB)
-r, --ram-required integer Amount of RAM required to run the microservice (MB)
-t, --picture string Catalog item picture
-P, --public Public catalog item
-V, --private Private catalog item
-g, --registry-id integer Catalog item docker registry ID
-I, --input-type string Catalog item input type
-F, --input-format string Catalog item input format
-O, --output-type string Catalog item output type
-T, --output-format string Catalog item output format
-X, --config-example string Catalog item config example
-i, --item-id integer Catalog item ID
-f, --file string Path to catalog item settings JSON file
-n, --name string Catalog item name
-d, --description string Catalog item description
-c, --category string Catalog item category
-x, --x86-image string x86 docker image name
-a, --arm-image string ARM docker image name
-p, --publisher string Catalog item publisher name
-s, --disk-required integer Amount of disk required to run the microservice (MB
-r, --ram-required integer Amount of RAM required to run the microservice (MB
-t, --picture string Catalog item picture
-P, --public Public catalog item
-V, --private Private catalog item
-g, --registry-id integer Catalog item docker registry ID
-I, --input-type string Catalog item input type
-F, --input-format string Catalog item input format
-O, --output-type string Catalog item output type
-T, --output-format string Catalog item output format
-X, --config-example string Catalog item config example
-i, --item-id integer Catalog item ID
-i, --item-id integer Catalog item ID


Application flow operations.

iofog-controller flow <action> <options>


add Add a new flow.
update Update existing flow.
remove Delete a flow.
list List all flows.
info Get flow settings.


-u, --user-id integer User's id
-f, --file string Path to application flow settings JSON file
-n, --name string Application flow name
-d, --description string Application flow description
-a, --activate Activate application flow
-D, --deactivate Deactivate application flow
-i, --flow-id integer Application flow ID
-f, --file string Path to application flow settings JSON file
-n, --name string Application flow name
-d, --description string Application flow description
-a, --activate Activate application flow
-D, --deactivate Deactivate application flow
-i, --flow-id integer Application flow ID
-i, --flow-id integer Application flow ID


Microservice instance operations.

iofog-controller microservice <action> <options>


add Add a new microservice.
update Update existing microservice.
remove Delete a microservice.
list List all microservices.
info Get microservice settings.
route-create Create microservice route.
route-remove Remove microservice route.
port-mapping-create Create microservice port mapping.
port-mapping-remove Remove microservice port mapping.
port-mapping-list List microservice port mapping.
volume-mapping-create Create microservice volume mapping.
volume-mapping-remove Remove microservice volume mapping.
volume-mapping-list List microservice volume mapping.


-u, --user-id integer User's id
-f, --file string Path to microservice settings JSON file
-n, --name string Microservice name
-c, --catalog-id integer Catalog item ID
-F, --flow-id integer Application flow ID
-I, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-g, --config string Microservice config
-v, --volumes string[] Microservice volume mapping(s)
-l, --log-size integer Log file size limit (MB)
-r, --root-enable Enable root access
-R, --root-disable Disable root access
-p, --ports string[] Container ports
-t, --routes string[] Microservice route(s) (receiving microservices)
-e, --env string[] Microservice environemnt variable(s)
-C, --cmd string[] Microservice container command and argument(s)
-x, --x86-image string x86 docker image name
-a, --arm-image string ARM docker image name
# Single mapping
iofog-controller microservice add \
  --volumes /host_src:/container_src:rw \
  --env KEY=value --cmd bash \
  [other required options]

# Multiple mappings
iofog-controller microservice add \
  --volumes /host_src:/container_src:rw /host_bin:/container_bin:r \
  [other required options]

# Port mapping (80:8080:false - internal port : external port : public mode)
iofog-controller microservice add \
  --ports 80:8080:false 443:5443:false \
  [other required options]

# Add routes (ABC:DEF - source microservice UUID : dest microservice UUID)
iofog-controller microservice add \
  --routes ABC:DEF RFG:HJK \
  [other required options]
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-f, --file string Path to microservice settings JSON file
-n, --name string Microservice name
-F, --flow-id string Application flow ID
-I, --iofog-uuid string ioFog node UUID
-g, --config string Microservice config
-v, --volumes string[] Microservice volume mapping(s)
-l, --log-size integer Log file size limit (MB)
-r, --root-enable Enable root access
-R, --root-disable Disable root access
-w, --rebuild Rebuild microservice image on fog agent
-e, --env string[] Microservice environemnt variable(s)
-C, --cmd string[] Microservice container command and argument(s)
-x, --x86-image string x86 docker image name
-a, --arm-image string ARM docker image name
iofog-controller update \
  --microservice-uuid <microservice-uuid> \
  --volumes {'hostDestination':'/var1/dest','containerDestination':'/var/dest','accessMode':'w','type':'bind'} \
  --name testcli
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-z, --cleanUp Delete microservice with cleanup
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-T, --route string Microservice route (receiving microservices)
# Add route (ABC:DEF - source microservice uuid : dest microservice uuid)
iofog-controller microservice route-create \
  --route ABC:DEF
-T, --route string Microservice route (receiving microservices)
# Delete route (ABC:DEF - source microservice uuid : dest microservice uuid)
iofog-controller microservice route-remove \
  --route ABC:DEF
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-P, --mapping string Container port mapping
# Create port mapping (80:8080:false - internal port : external port : public mode, ABC - microservice)
iofog-controller microservice port-mapping-create \
  --mapping 80:8080:false \
  --microservice-uuid ABC
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-b, --internal-port integer Internal port
# Delete port mapping (80 - internal port, ABC - microservice uuid)
iofog-controller microservice port-mapping-remove \
  --internal-port 80 \
  --microservice-uuid ABC
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-P, --mapping string Container port mapping
# Create volume mapping
iofog-controller microservice volume-mapping-create \
  --mapping /host_src:/container_src:rw \
  --microservice-uuid ABC
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-a, --mapping-id integer Volume mapping id
# Delete volume mapping
iofog-controller microservice volume-mapping-remove \
  --microservice-uuid ABC \
  --mapping-id 1
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID


Registries instance operations.

iofog-controller registry <action> <options>


add Add a new Registry.
update Update a Registry.
remove Delete a Registry.
list List all Registries.


-U, --uri string Registry URI
-b, --public Set registry as public
-r, --private Set registry as private
-l, --username string Registry's user name
-p, --password string Password
-c, --requires-certificate Requires certificate
-C, --certificate string Certificate
-e, --email string Email address
-u, --user-id integer User's id
-i, --item-id integer Registry id
-U, --uri string Registry URI
-b, --public Set registry as public
-r, --private Set registry as private
-l, --username string Registry's user name
-p, --password string Password
-c, --requires-certificate Requires certificate
-C, --certificate string Certificate
-e, --email string Email address
-i, --item-id integer Item's id


Diagnostic instance operations.

iofog-controller diagnostics <action> <options>


strace-update Change microservice strace status to enabled or disabled.
strace-info Get microservice strace data.
strace-ftp-post Post microservice strace data to ftp.
image-snapshot-create Create microservice image snapshot.
image-snapshot-get Get microservice image snapshot.


-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-e, --enable Enable microservice strace
-o, --disable Disable microservice strace
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-f, --format string Format of strace data to receive
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
--h, --ftpHost string FTP host
--p, --ftpPort integer FTP port
--u, --ftpUser string FTP user
--s, --ftpPass string FTP user password
--d, --ftpDestDir string FTP destination directory
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID
-i, --microservice-uuid string Microservice UUID