Microservice Public Ports

Public Ports allow your microservices to securely expose public endpoints without opening ports on your Agents.

When deploying Applications and Microservices, you can now specify extra fields (public, host and protocol) when configuring the port mappings of your container.

If public is specified, this will open a tunnel that will forward all traffic incoming onto the port exposed by the container.

host allows you to specify the Agent that will open the public port, the default value being that the public port is opened alongside your Controller (same host for a Vanilla Controller, as a separate Load Balancer for a K8s deployment).

protocol lets you decide between http and tcp. It tells the public port which type of traffic to forward. the default value is http.

name: msvc-1
 name: agent-1
   - internal: 80
     external: 5000
     public: 5001
     protocol: tcp

Deploying such a configuration would result in port 5001 being opened on the Controller host, and all incoming tcp traffic would be tunneled to agent-1, port 5000.

The public address can be retrieved using:

iofogctl describe microservice msvc-1

The outputted YAML will contain a publicLink key, with the value set to the URL of the public port.