Quick Start

In this guide we will:

  • Install the prerequisites and tools required to create and manage ECN's ('Edge Compute Networks')
  • Create an ECN on a local machine to demonstrate the processes and components involved in an ECN


Install iofogctl on Mac

Mac users can use Homebrew:

brew tap eclipse-iofog/iofogctl
brew install iofogctl@1.2

Install iofogctl on Linux

The Debian package can be installed like so:

curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/iofog/iofogctl/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install iofogctl=1.2.5

And similarly, the RPM package can be installed like so:

curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/iofog/iofogctl/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash
sudo yum install iofogctl-1.2.5-1.x86_64

Verify iofogctl Installation

Run iofogctl version to verify you have successfully installed the CLI.

Deploy ioFog Locally

You can use iofogctl deploy to install and provision ioFog software. Now we will deploy ioFog locally by specifying localhost in the host fields of our yaml file.

Go ahead and paste the following commands into your terminal:

echo "---
  - name: LocalController
    host: localhost
      name: Quick
      surname: Start
      email: user@domain.com
      password: q1u45ic9kst563art

 - name: LocalAgent
   host: localhost" > /tmp/quick-start.yaml
iofogctl deploy -f /tmp/quick-start.yaml

After the deployment has successfully completed, we can verify the resources we specified in the YAML file are running on our local machine.

iofogctl get all

View the Edge Compute Network

To have a quick look at the local ECN, we can run:

iofogctl get all


To remove our ECN and any microservices deployed on it, we can run the following command:

iofogctl delete all

Next Steps

Now that you have seen what ioFog is about, you can create a real ECN with remote hosts. Instructions are found here.

You can also try deploying Microservices on the local ECN. You can follow the tutorial found here.