Deploy Our Microservice

In this step we'll learn how to deploy our newly created microservice to our ioFog tutorial environment.

Register Our Docker Image

With our Docker image from the previous step in hand, it's time to publish it to a Docker Registry.

While we can use a custom registry (or the public Docker Hub), the Controller also comes with a built-in private registry that represents the local cache on the ioFog edge compute nodes.

To get a list of the container registries, we can use registry list:

docker exec -it iofog-controller iofog-controller registry list

We should see two registries. The first is Docker Hub and the second is the built-in private registry, which we're going to use.

  "id": 2,
  "url": "from_cache",
  "isPublic": true,
  "isSecure": true,
  "certificate": "",
  "requiresCert": false,
  "username": "",
  "userEmail": "",
  "userId": null

The unique ID for the built-in registry is always 2.

Now that we have that registry ID, we can use it to add our Docker image to its catalog. We'll provide iofog-tutorial/moving-average:v1 as the x86-image of our microservice:

$ docker exec -it iofog-controller \
    iofog-controller catalog add \
    --name "Moving Average" \
    --x86-image lkrcal/moving-average:v1 \
    --registry-id 2 \
    --user-id 1

This command will return a catalog ID that we'll use in the next step, which in this case is 105.

Add Our Microservice

Now that the Docker image containing our microservice code is registered, we can spin up new copies of it also using the Controller.

Instantiating a new microservice is done using the microservice add command. We need to provide several options and the most notable is the catalog ID we received in the previous section as well as a node UUID, which is the UUID of the edge node that this microservice should run on.

So let's find the UUID for the first Agent with the name "Agent 1":

docker exec -ti iofog-controller iofog-controller iofog list

In our case, the default agent has a UUID of vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC. Using that UUID together with the reference to the catalog, we can pass it and our other arguments to instantiate the microservice. This is also a great opportunity to include our custom config for our maxWindowSize.

docker exec -it iofog-controller \
    iofog-controller microservice add \
    --name "Moving Average" \
    --catalog-id 105 \
    --config '{ "maxWindowSize": 10 }' \
    --iofog-uuid vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC \
    --flow-id 1 \
    --user-id 1

This command will return the microservice UUID, which we'll then use in the next step to set up our routes. In our case, the returned UUID of the microservice is ydmtBFxJhxvVgLKfM2qLPj4KtcVgdg23.

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Setup Our Routes

With the microservice UUID from the last step, let's change our routes so that our new microservice is placed between the Sensors and the REST API.

First, let's remove the old route from the Sensors to the REST API. We need to retrieve the microservice UUIDs for Sensors and the REST API:

docker exec -ti iofog-controller iofog-controller microservice list

An example output can look like the following. Note that although many attributes are not shown in this output, we can clearly see all the UUIDs and routes.

  "microservices": [
      "name": "Sensors",
      "uuid": "PDRRQcbD6DVZJy9QBJQB7JyzH7RgLJCb",
      "catalogItemId": 102,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC",
      "routes": ["NZp8HZ7xpztPyC4dpRQx4w3Jd8x9jNF3"]
      "name": "Rest API",
      "uuid": "NZp8HZ7xpztPyC4dpRQx4w3Jd8x9jNF3",
      "catalogItemId": 103,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC"
      "name": "Freeboard",
      "uuid": "BrKHZf9PTcT6yjKcrpnRVBcYPFqxqXxb",
      "catalogItemId": 104,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC"
      "name": "Moving Average",
      "uuid": "ydmtBFxJhxvVgLKfM2qLPj4KtcVgdg23",
      "config": "{ \"maxWindowSize\": 10 }",
      "catalogItemId": 105,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC"

After finding those two UUIDs in the list, provide the Sensors UUID and API UUID separated by a semicolon.

docker exec -ti iofog-controller \
    iofog-controller microservice route-remove \
        --route PDRRQcbD6DVZJy9QBJQB7JyzH7RgLJCb:NZp8HZ7xpztPyC4dpRQx4w3Jd8x9jNF3

Now we need to place two new routes: one from the Sensors to Moving Average, and another from Moving Average to the REST API;. The resulting message flow will then have our new microservice in between Sensors and the REST API microservices.

docker exec -ti iofog-controller \
    iofog-controller microservice route-create \
        --route PDRRQcbD6DVZJy9QBJQB7JyzH7RgLJCb:ydmtBFxJhxvVgLKfM2qLPj4KtcVgdg23

docker exec -ti iofog-controller \
    iofog-controller microservice route-create \
        --route ydmtBFxJhxvVgLKfM2qLPj4KtcVgdg23:NZp8HZ7xpztPyC4dpRQx4w3Jd8x9jNF3

The new configuration of microservices should look like this:

  "microservices": [
      "name": "Sensors",
      "uuid": "PDRRQcbD6DVZJy9QBJQB7JyzH7RgLJCb",
      "catalogItemId": 102,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC",
      "routes": ["ydmtBFxJhxvVgLKfM2qLPj4KtcVgdg23"]
      "name": "Rest API",
      "uuid": "NZp8HZ7xpztPyC4dpRQx4w3Jd8x9jNF3",
      "catalogItemId": 103,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC"
      "name": "Freeboard",
      "uuid": "BrKHZf9PTcT6yjKcrpnRVBcYPFqxqXxb",
      "catalogItemId": 104,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC"
      "name": "Moving Average",
      "uuid": "ydmtBFxJhxvVgLKfM2qLPj4KtcVgdg23",
      "config": "{ \"maxWindowSize\": 10 }",
      "catalogItemId": 105,
      "iofogUuid": "vH6vfNzLwHK483CwHRJyyPZtNZ2m46zC",
      "routes": ["NZp8HZ7xpztPyC4dpRQx4w3Jd8x9jNF3"]

Finally, the moment of truth! Let's first try a curl request to our REST API.


If everything is working correctly, the JSON returned should be our new moving averages and contain our "isAverage": true field we added.

We can also open up the Freeboard dashboard to view the averaged values! Note that ?load=dashboard.json in the URL loads a predefined dashboard for this tutorial. The dashboard definition is already part of the Freeboard container.

Update a Microservice

Once a microservice is up and running, we will probably need to modify it later, which we can also do with the Controller.

The microservice update command is used to update a particular microservice. We can easily update the configuration of our Moving Average microservice.

docker exec -ti iofog-controller \
    iofog-controller microservice update \
        --microservice-uuid ydmtBFxJhxvVgLKfM2qLPj4KtcVgdg23 \
        --config '{ "maxWindowSize": 100 }'

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Congratulations! You've now have the fundamentals of ioFog. Once you're feeling more comfortable you can start setting up ioFog in production.