Prepare Your Kubernetes Cluster

Some components of an Edge Compute Network ('ECN') can be deployed on Kubernetes. These components include Controllers and Connectors. iofogctl will also install ioFog Operator and Kubelet to assist in the Kubernetes-deploy Control Plane.

Kube Config

If you are familiar with kubectl, you will know that it relies on a configuration file typically found in ~/.kube/config which contains credentials for it to connect to the Kubernetes API Server.

iofogctl similarly relies on this configuration file. We need to make sure it is present on the host that we intend to use iofogctl from. The file can be saved anywhere on the host but it is recommended to keep it in ~/.kube/config because all of this guide's examples assume it to be there.


In order for iofogctl to do its thing with our Kubernetes cluster, we will have to make sure we have the right RBAC permissions.

The way we add these permissions will depend on our respective Kubernetes provider. Ultimately, we need the User Account associated with our ~/.kube/config configuration file to have permission to use all verbs against the following resources:

  • roles
  • clusterroles
  • rolebindings
  • clusterrolebindings
  • services
  • deployments
  • statefulsets
  • pods
  • namespaces

If in doubt, we can use the default cluster role cluster-admin.

Using Google Kubernetes Engine

When using GKE to host our Kubernetes cluster, we need to ensure the gcloud CLI tool is installed. Once installed, we can connect to our cluster and get the requisite ~/.kube/config file by running:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <NAME> --region <REGION>

Continue To Next Step: Prepare your Network.