Platform Tools

In this guide we will go through the ioFog platform supporting tools. By the end of this guide we will have a set infrastructure necessary for deployment of Edge Compute Networks (ECNs) including machines for ioFog Agents. This guide is tied to ioFog platform repository.

We use Terraform to deploy all infrastructure and iofogctl to configure remote edge nodes to install agent software on. The infrastructure uses

The platform project spins up an infrastructure stack which consists of:

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on GPC
  • Google Kubernetes Engine on GPC
  • Edge nodes (x86 and arm64) on Packet (optional)

After the infrastructure setup, we can deploy Edge Compute Network (ECN) on the GKE cluster using iofogctl.


In order to setup the infrastructure and then install ECN and Agents, we will need the following tools:

To then install a complete EdgeCompute Network (ECN), we will also need iofogctl:

We don't have to install these tools manually now. Later in the process, we will use a script to download those dependencies and initialise terraform variable file.

Google Cloud Platform Setup

In this section, we will retrieve a service account for GCP that will be later used to spin up infrastructure.

First, we need to setup gcloud with our project. We can either establish a service account or use a personal account with GCP. In both cases, the minimal set of IAM roles required is:

  • Compute Admin
  • Kubernetes Engine Admin
  • Service Account User

To login with a service account and setup our project, first download the service account key file from GCP, then run the authenticate gcloud with the service account. Further details on how to setup a service account are available in the GCP documentation.

You can test authenticate gcloud with the newly created service account.

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=service-account-key.json

If you no longer have the service account key file, it is possible to generate another key using gcloud or using the GCP console.

Packet Setup (Optional)

The platform tools also supports deployment of agent nodes on packet. This step is entirely optional and is it possible to provide our own machines for ioFog Agents instead.

In this section we will retrieve a Packet API Token that will be later used for spinning up machines for ioFog Agents.

We will need Packet token to setup packet provider on terraform. First we have to upload our ssh key that will be used by automation to add to newly created instances.

Next, retrieve a Packet auth token and project ID from Packet website and save it for later.

Platform Repository Usage

Let's get started with the platform tools now by cloning the ioFog platform repository repository.

git clone
cd platform

Bootstrap Platform Tools

We can then run bootstrap to install all the required tools. It is possible to skip the installation step if we opt to instead provide the tools ourselves, please consult ./ --help for details.

Here we use the GCP service account key we have previously obtained in Google Cloud Platform Setup section.

./ --gcloud-service-account service-account-key.json

It is also possible to authenticate using a personal GCP account by running ./ only, but this is not recommended.

Modify Configuration File

First create a copy of the variables template file.

cp infrastructure/gcp/template.tfvars user.tfvars

Now we have to edit the user.tfvars file according to our credentials and desired infrastructure. There are three main sections in the file: general variables, agents list and packet variables. Let's start by modifying the following general variables:

Variables Description
google_application_credentials Path to the service account key file from Google Cloud Platform Setup
gcp_service_account Name of the GCP service account
project_id GCP project ID
environment Name of the infrastructure (to identify the resources on GCP and Packet)
gcp_region Region if GCP infrastructure
packet_auth_token Packet API key from Packet Setup (Optional) (Optional)
packet_project_id Packet project ID (Optional)
packet_operating_system Packet operating system of all agents (Optional)
packet_facility Packet regions (called facilities) (Optional)
packet_count_x86 Packet number of x86 instances (Optional)
packet_plan_x86 Packet plan of x86 instances (Optional)
packet_count_arm Packet number of arm instances (Optional)
packet_plan_arm Packet plan of arm instances (Optional)

Deploy and Destroy Infrastructure

To deploy the new infrastructure, run:

./ user.tfvars

Interact With Newly Deployed Infrastructure

Once the infrastructure is successfully deployed, we should be able to interact with the Kubernetes cluster. Terraform automatically setup our kubeconfig for us. To use the newly created Kubernetes cluster, we need to define KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to a kubeconfig file created by Terraform. The kubeconfig file is always in infrastructure/gcp/<environment>.kubeconfig, where <environemnt> corresponds to the settings passed in our user.tfvars file.

export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/infrastructure/gcp/<environment>.kubeconfig"

Should we need to retrieve kubeconfig for our new cluster anytime in the future or from another machine, we can use gcloud container clusters get-credentials environment --region gcp_region, where environment and gcp_region refer to previously described variables.

Try running kubectl get no to list all nodes available to the cluster. These will also includes our edge Agents as nodes.

Deploy Edge Compute Network

Now that the infrastructure is up, we can deploy our first ECN on the infrastructure. We are going to use iofogctl for this purpose.

We start by editing the generated ecn.yaml file according to iofogctl specification. Most important are kubeconfig and keyfile parameters. The kubeconfig variable is the same as in Interact With Newly Deployed Infrastructure. keyfile refers to a private SSH key to access the given agent. For Packet agents, these must be uploaded to Packet according to Packet Setup (Optional). This is also where we can add additional agents (outside of the new infrastructure).

kind: ControlPlane
  name: albatros
    name: John
    surname: Doe
    password: '#Bugs4Fun'
    - name: ctrl
        config: infrastructure/gcp/release-1-3-0.kubeconfig
        replicas: 1
        serviceType: LoadBalancer
kind: Connector
  name: connector
    config: infrastructure/gcp/release-1-3-0.kubeconfig
    replicas: 1
kind: Agent
  name: agent-0
    user: root
    keyFile: ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
kind: Agent
  name: agent-1
    user: root
    keyFile: ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa

Once we are happy with the file, we can deploy the ECN:

iofogctl -n platform-ecn deploy -f ecn.yaml

Destroy Infrastructure

To destroy the infrastructure (and all deployed ECNs), run:

./ user.tfvars

Make sure the tfvars file is the same for both deploy and destroy invocations.